Crisis: The Endgame of the Arrowverse


A Crisis is upon us, many will fall, worlds are forever changed and nothing will ever be the same again.

This is a turning point for many shows, especially The Flash, it so desperately needs.


Barry Allen Dies


For those who have already read the 1983 story line, we already know this. The rest, the normie folks, who don’t read the comics, this is what goes down and it’s irreversible.

Now you know the show won’t be this direct. They will twist this around in their favor but our hero won’t die. He will most likely vanish temporarily more akin to what happened in Season 2 when Barry tried to recreate the accident that made him gain back his powers.



Westallen by default is dead

The show has a problem with killing off this couple and we know why. This story line makes sure that Westallen is dead and buried, Barry even utters Iris already being dead to Bruce Wayne here. Westallen is gone. Their death, their disappearance is a part of the story.


We know they probably won’t kill the actual characters, Barry and Iris, but their story is DOA no matter what happens. The writers could take this as their opportunity to redeem their ways in rewriting the present. Give Barry the life he was meant to have, with a person who truly loves and supports him. In the show, it’s not Iris, it’s Caitlin.

Oliver Queen will sacrifice…something

Arrow has been hinting at this since the arrow of destiny was given to Ollie to rewrite everything John Deegan changed. Elseworlds made it pretty clear Oliver had to give up something in order to redirect fate.

The obvious answer is himself and we all know it’s what the show wants us to think. I don’t see it that way. Sure they can take the easy way like they sometimes do, but they could throw us off course with something completely off grid.

Something like…

Oliver working with The Monitor in another form. Call me crazy and I have some nutty theories but this one has been bugging me and I think the show could go there if they so wanted to. Killing Oliver would be the lamest way to end his arc, sure it’s the most standard way to end a hero’s journey but hey, it would be a hell of a story if they surprised us with something we weren’t expecting.

With thoughts of Greek tragedies, Hercules built up the same fate, had purgatorial trials and made the ultimate of sacrifices. Don’t we see The Monitor calling Oliver away inside the breach, of course we assume it’s to his demise, but what if it was all a red herring? Why would they tell us Ollie will die ahead of time? Predictable.


Supergirl dies in Superman’s arms



We all know the iconic issue and what happens to Kara Zor-El. Another one who dies in the Crisis, but yet, it doesn’t seem so. Sure in the comics they have the risk of killing her off since this is a one shot story. The TV show, however, is not. They still need her.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Superman takes her place. Although it wouldn’t make sense, according to the source material, Superman is much stronger than Supergirl, this is something the show would do. Supergirl is a show that continues on and therefore Clark/Sups is treated like a side character. Clark will die, Kara will not.

The scene will look like this.




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