Epitome of Hope, Friendship and Love

Just look at the feels of this one scene back in Season 1 with Team Flash…


This show was one of the best things to come around since Smallville. I really appreciated the heart and soul it had at its start. These three people right here are why I watch this show. I protect them like I would as if they were my own friends and family. To me, they are family. To break up a family is to destroy the very essence of the show.

Let’s define “family” shall we? Family is a person, no matter who they are, blood or not, that is there for you in good and bad times. They are there when you need to be called out on your stupidity. This was Caitlin and Cisco on many occasions. They make you into the best person you can be.

So why can’t family stay together? Why can’t this team thrive and grow as a threesome when all the odds are stacked against them? Why should anyone cut their screen time to promote a forced romance?

That is exactly what’s happening; explains why the ratings are so low. Why fans have given up on the show all together. Forget ships. Fuck that. The actual show, the one that held hope and promise as an escape from life we are individually live, is gone.

And for what? What makes them think they can degrade the magic of Season 1 and 2 to forefront a stupid ship based in social justice warrior slobbering? That’s pandering at it’s best. Worse than fan service. There are no more good stories. Everything has to be pandered to, my question is why?

Why are these show runners so afraid of a racist garbage fan base? Despite it not being true on any level. If I may, hiring, changing original canon from white/red hair to another race/persona is the definition of racist. You saw race and felt a need to change it.

Why see race in what already works and change it? What do these show runners get out of doing this? The casting department needs to get it through their thick skulls that their social justice casting and pandering doesn’t help anyone. If they wanted the black community to like the show they should have created a new character, like John Diggle, with strong characteristics, values and morals. Why is originality so hard for these writers?

That brings me back to Team Flash, well, what’s left of it. Does Barry ever even acknowledge the fact that if it wasn’t for Caitlin and Cisco, he’d be dead? He did all throughout Season 1, and Season 2 even though Patty was distracting him. Cisco was lying to the team about his powers. Folks were turning on each other in a very cheap made for TV drama. Season 2 towards the end was the turning point leading into Season 3 where nearly every character plunged into OOC land. All for the sake of promoting the most disliked character in the Arrowverse. Iris West.

I’m running out of reasons to care anymore.  Until Caitlin is written out of the show I am still going to watch, but if I miss one episode or ten, I feel like I won’t be missing a whole lot. The show runners love dropping the worst teases ever. I know they can’t say what’s really going on but it would mean they care about their audience if they give us something about Caitlin, hell Team Flash, is there even a true Team Flash anymore? I’m talking about the threesome in the picture up top.

When will Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon and Barry Allen become a strong, core team again? Why is the show itself being sidelined for the worst written character on TV?

So Barry is a changed man? Is that right? Well, to quote Buffy in Season 7 in regards to Spike’s return I do have this to say: “I know you’ve changed, I just don’t know what you’ve changed into.”

How come Barry is not allowed to speak to anyone that is not a West? It’s like he doesn’t have freedom in his life. Seems like a fixed cult. A hero needs to breathe. Give Barry his life back. For the past 3 seasons he no longer owns it or his show anymore.

Just look at the power these three bring to the show when they put their brains, brawn and heart together.

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