The Return of Savitar: Barry’s Darkness Explored


“The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls…” -Edgar Allen Poe

I miss Savitar. He was the God of Speed. Took Killer Frost as his Queen. And he rid the world of a toxic vermin known as Viris Pest. He was a supreme being.

How could anyone not miss this goober?






And that’s what he was…before Barry’s step-sister shot him in cold blood. A speedster shot by a lone bullet. I wish I made that up.

I’ve been thinking about Savitar a lot lately. He made quite an impact in Season 3 in his short time on screen. To me, from a writing standpoint he was a more brutal version of Barry. The Barry with a spine. The Barry who just wanted power, adoration and immortality. How can anyone else not relate to one of those at one point in their life? Was he really a villain? Sounds like a dude I’d wanna hang with. Or, yanno, a Tony Stark type. Isn’t Iron Man beloved?

I was starting to think the show might never return that darkness back, but then I thought of something as I watched the Elseworlds crossover, especially Arrow’s part and it dawned on me: the best thing the show can do is explore the complexity that is Barry Allen. Going dark in this way can make up for the lack of explanations in Season 3 and Barry Allen can finally be explored in a way we’ve never seen.

Why the hell not? Savitar’s reveal was the best part of the season, but it happened so short into it and we only had this small sliver of screen time where Grant as an actor got to really enjoy himself.

For one thing, what I really loved about Savitar was how he spoke. Same with when he was Barry Queen. The cadence in his voice was mesmerizing, gritty, real. I like how he spoke like a man on a mission, a man without a care about anything else. A man who wanted to rid the toxicity in his life: Viris Pest. But most importantly, a man for once.

The show can play around with this again, Barry himself hasn’t been truly fleshed out, has he? I can’t tell you how many times I wish Barry would grow up, stop crying, stop needing sappy pep talks, stop speaking emo. Savitar never spoke this way, that is why he is superior to our Barry Allen. Savitar was also a man of his actions and followed through on on what he said he would do.

That’s why they need this arc to further delve into Barry’s other true nature. The only one he knows to be true, what he admitted aloud when Savitar had existed. Barry in 3×21

This will make the show and Barry finally interesting again. Think of the parallels he will have with Killer Frost, just how many scenes they will have together.

Just imagine that snarl Barry will give to his future enemies…


Imagine Barry Allen having a spine again. Standing up for himself and his beliefs. Putting his stupid “no killing” rule to murderers to rest. We saw a glimpse of this in 5×13 “Goldfaced.” I just want more.









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What are the writers waiting for? Give Grant his show back to him! Make The Flash once again about Barry Allen. I dare you.

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