Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me

Of course you’re not shy. You don’t have to deny love. Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me.      U2


I was just thinking about that line a newly “reborn” Caitlin Snow muttered in the premiere episode of Season 4. Anyone tickled by that?

Did the gang not expect Caitlin to ever come back? That line had me thinking that maybe Team Flash had spent so much time sulking over Barry’s departure, they all but nearly forgot about Dr. Caitlin Snow.

In the midst of writing a fan fic that is filling in the blanks in the last 6 months from the end of Season 3, I was contemplating the efforts Caitlin had made to not be seen and heard from in that duration. A few questions came up from my findings:

Where did she work? (from the previews we can assume it’s bar)

How was she able to control her powers?

How can she shift from platinum blonde hair and blue lips back to sandy blonde and hazel-eyed Caitlin at will?

Does she feel the need to drain heat to stay alive?

How does her abilities automatically make her evil?

Without Barry, how can she come back to her senses on her own?

What about her family, Charlie, younger brother, what about her mother, Carla?

Is she finally going to tell Barry how she feels?

Of course maybe that last one remains to be answered, the rest, I’m hoping come Season 4 will reveal more answers than questions. I truly hate it when a writer gives so little as exposition when it comes to interesting characters. It’d one thing if they are building her and taking their time, it would be like me in one of my Snowbarry fics only talking about Caitlin’s friend at work or a side character that was meant to exist on the side. *cough* V-iris*cough*

But that is not what the writers are doing here with Caitlin. From the beginning Caitlin’s story has been the most interesting so far. How can I say that? What about Cisco? Well, we’ve already met his family, I get that he is a genius but even someone as nerdtastic as Cisco can get pretty overrated at times, no fault of Carlos, he’s brilliant, just these writers. But Caitlin, it’s that mystery about her that kills me so much. And you can only drag out a mystery for so long.

I can’t be the only one (still) watching the show just to see Caitlin’s story fully unfold. I feel like she needs to be written to the fullest for over a few seasons. We’ve only gotten so little on her after 2 until 3. The writers need to focus on the strengths of their show, Caitlin is by far the strongest character they’ve got, they have to keep reminding themselves of her value to the show and to Barry most of all. Frost for the win!

KFIceSpear KFSlideIce

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