The Importance of Being SaviFrost

“…And I don’t want this life if I can’t live it for you. Our love will never die.”
-Sid Vicious

A picture means a thousand words, doesn’t it?

Sid and Nancy were the pinnacle of destruction, chaos, passion, brutality and eternal romance all rolled into one.

Could Future Barry and Killer Frost be the Sid and Nancy of our generation?

I thought of this since 3×07 aired. The way Danielle plays Killer Frost gradually becomes something more than just your archaic villain. The way Grant has played Savitar in the moments we have seen him, reveal something deep brewing under the surface.

Could these two characters be who Caitlin and Barry really are? Or are they now who the world has turned them into being? Sid and Nancy were both, that’s why that relationship could be studied. I feel like SaviFrost could also tag itself to the perils of personal tragic romance.

The fact that it takes Barry to turn into a villain to finally acknowledge Caitlin’s existence is mind boggling. I chalk this up to the laziness of the writers and their obsession with useless characters have done them in many times over. They seem to forget why people love The Flash to begin with.

We love it for the heartbreak, we love the heroism in moments of crisis, we love the realism of the characters as if you could meet them in every day life, we love the humor in the dark moments, we love the family dynamic/team flash wise and friendship that has given us a bond that we can’t shake, we love it when directors bring out the best in their actors.

So why haven’t the writers recognized the gold mine in not only pursuing a great story in Snowbarry, Team Flash and now with SaviFrost? Flashfrost and Team Flash are where the story is. I was searching for a reason to continue watching the show. I don’t know about you guys, but I was almost about to quit when I watched the closeness and everlasting bond between Team Flash (Caitlin, Barry and Cisco) become even less of what it was. And was the reason for that? To shove the least developed character into the fold because you just don’t have the balls to develop her?

I think not, I also think you need to reevaluate the show’s integrity for everyone’s sake.

I can’t tell you how nervous I become each week, knowing this least developed character will survive for no reason. I am also tired of deleted scenes that matter. Snowbarry scenes, Flashfrost scenes, now it might be a SaviFrost scene. Why are these writers scared to write a good story?

I can’t break this down anymore myself, can you guys? I know what rides into these shows. The money spent in advertising and what sells. I know the budget the network has to work with, but my god do the stories have to suffer over politics and fear so much? Someone tags you as a racist, you know you aren’t one, OK, so that means continue shitting on the show over what a loud hate group thinks? Come on, be adults about this, your weaknesses are showing.

Writers, when are you going to do what’s right? Every week I have some grain of hope you will and yet it isn’t enough. You still have the least developed character walking around in scenes, offering nothing, asking dumb questions, pouting, giving the same expression, my brain is about to explode.

From a writer’s standpoint, does making a memorable show mean anything anymore?

This fandom keeps telling me to wait it out, I have. This show has 23 episodes per season, it should be more than enough to write extensive developments on what exactly you need to sustain a great show. Giving the most screen time to a character that offers and does nothing isn’t going to keep people coming back.

It’s frustrating, you have this great opportunity in your hands, you have the best chemistry possible between Grant and Danielle since James Marsters and Sarah Michele Gellar. The day you finally wake up and realize this is the same day the show is given a real chance.

I have to know that you are aware of this since there is has to be a reason why you hardly ever talk about Killer Frost, Savitar or Flashfrost, hell, even Snowbarry. None of those things ever see the light of day. I have to know, as a writer, this is your way of not spoiling anything in future endeavors. Please tell me I’m right?

All that’s left is to watch the episodes now through my fragile fingers.



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